عنوان الموضوع : كـــــشري بالخطوات ...... باللغه الإنجليزيه ^^ Koshary من مطبخي
مقدم من طرف منتديات الضمير العربي

…. to make it you will need:
Serves: 4 – 5
- 2 cups short grain rice (known as Egyptian rice around here) …. you can even use medium grain if you want …
- 1 cup brown lentils … rinsed
- 2 cups cooked elbow pasta .. or any other small pasta you like
- 4 big red onions … chopped in half .. then into crescent shape
- 2 big tomatoes … peeled and chopped ..
- 1 tb tomato sauce
- 2 big garlic cloves … minced
- 1 small onion finely chopped
- 1 ts cumin
- 1/2 ts turmeric
- 1/2 ts safflower
- salt … 2 ts for the rice … and 1 /2 ts for the sauce
- 1 tb ghee or butter

In a pot add the lentils …. then add enough water to cover around 2 inches above the lentils ….
Bring it to a boil and cook until the lentils are just cooked … dont over cook them or they will be too mushy .. you want it to hold its shape

Once the lentils are done … strain it .. and preserve the liquid that you cooked it in … this will be used to cook the rice later …

Now to make the tomato sauce …
In a pot … add the tomatoes, minced garlic, and 1/2 ts salt …. then add to it around 1/2 cup of water … mix everything together … and let it boil over low heat for around 20 to 30 mins .. until it represents pasta sauce .. if its liquids dry out … add a little more water …
Ps. some people like to puree the sauce after its done … its totally upto you

Now for the onions .. after chopping the onions .. heat some oil … and deep fry them until golden …

Be careful not to over fry them or they will become black quickly …

Cooking the rice …
In a pot … melt the ghee or butter …. then to it add the finely chopped onion … and cook it until slightly golden …

Then add 2 1/2 cups of the reserved lentil water ….
Ps. The amount of water used depends on the type of rice used … if you are using eygptian rice then add as much as mentioned if using different you have to adjust accordingly

To the lentil liquid … add the cumin ….

Then add 2 ts salt …. also add the safflower and turmeric …

Once the mixture gets to a boil … add the rice … Cover and cook it over VERY low heat until the rice is done … around 15 mins …
Now all your ingredients are ready ….

To serve it … you start by a layer of rice …. then a layer of lentils … then the cooked pasta …. then add the tomato sauce .. and finally add a little of onion …
And thats it …. you got a healthy vegetarian Koshary …

>>>>> ردود الأعضـــــــــــــــــــاء على الموضوع <<<<<

>>>> الرد الأول :
تسلمين على الطريقة
تشبه طريقتي مع اختلافات بسيطة
الله يوفقج ويسعدج دنيا واخرة

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>>>> الرد الثاني :

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>>>> الرد الثالث :

المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة ثنوي
تسلمين على الطريقة
تشبه طريقتي مع اختلافات بسيطة
الله يوفقج ويسعدج دنيا واخرة

مشكورة على المرور .. وعلى دعواتج الطيبه .

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>>>> الرد الرابع :

المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة راعية الزعفرا

الجميع إن شاء الله .
مشكورة حبوبه

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>>>> الرد الخامس :
يمي يمي وايد أحب الكشري
وتسلمين على الوصفة الحلوة
ويعطيج العافية